When you visit our website, we do not collect any of your personal information unless you decide to give the information to us. When you visit our website and browse our website and downloading something or reading pages the browser will collect certain information about your visit which will not show your personality. The motive of gathering such information is just to keep our self-updated from the performance of our website and to do the necessary changes/improvements where necessary.


By default, all the web servers have the functionality to collect the IP addresses. We may use your IP address just to troubleshoot problems related to server like to identify the unauthorized attempts to change or uploading information or cause damage.


When you enter our website, you may be asked to provide his/her email address for Jobs alerts. However, it’s upto user if he/she wants to subscribe or not. If the user subscribes, we will send the new jobs updates to the user. However, the user can unsubscribe any time from the jobs alerts and will not be notified for the new jobs in future. The email address the user/visitor provide is safe and used only for jobs alerts, while it is removed when the user unsubscribes from the jobs alerts.
Moreover, when you visit our visit you will be asked if you want to get jobs push notifications. If the user click he/she will get notifications in the browser. However, the user can unsubscribe any time.


In our website, meanwhile we don’t have any option to use your credit card for purchasing or buying something; but, in case of any online transaction or using your credit card on our website, we provide the most secure experience as we are using SSL (Secure Socket Layer). This means that all the information including debit card/ credit card is secured from your computer to our server and making it impossible for hackers to take the private information.
Uploading unauthorized information to our site is not allowed and for doing so will be punishable by law


The basic privacy policy will be the same like not to accessing user’s private data but some other changes might be amended from time to time. So this is recommended to visit our website to keep informed about it

Incase of any issue the user may contact us on